Property details

external property no. 2137
Status Active
Type of use Residential
Type of commercialization Purchase
Type of property Apartment
Kind of property Flat
Postcode 07560
City Cala Millor
Country Spain
Housing complex OPERA
Living area 98 sqm
Number of rooms 3,5
Number of bedrooms 2,5
Number of bathrooms 2
Balcony/terrace areas 13 sqm
Constructed area 110,8
Combustion Gas
Heating type Floor heating, Central heating system
Number of lifts 1
Elevator Lift
Cable Sat TV Yes
Parking spaces 1 Underground parking space
Swimming pool Yes
Type swimming pool Community pool
Air conditioning Yes
Basement room Yes
Balcony Yes
Terrace Yes
Winter garden Yes
Alignment of balcony/terrace South
Gas connection Yes
Fitted kitchen Yes
Window frames Aluminium frame
Window type Double glazing/aluminum
Purchase price 399.000 €
Commission-free Yes
external property no. 2137 Status Active
Type of use Residential Type of commercialization Purchase
Type of property Apartment Kind of property Flat
Postcode 07560 City Cala Millor
Country Spain Housing complex OPERA
Living area 98 sqm Number of rooms 3,5
Number of bedrooms 2,5 Number of bathrooms 2
Balcony/terrace areas 13 sqm Constructed area 110,8
Combustion Gas Heating type Floor heating, Central heating system
Number of lifts 1 Elevator Lift
Cable Sat TV Yes Parking spaces 1 Underground parking space
Swimming pool Yes Type swimming pool Community pool
Air conditioning Yes Basement room Yes
Balcony Yes Terrace Yes
Winter garden Yes Alignment of balcony/terrace South
Gas connection Yes Fitted kitchen Yes
Window frames Aluminium frame Window type Double glazing/aluminum
Purchase price 399.000 € Currency
Commission-free Yes
Property description

Energy certificate
Type: in process

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Die mit dem Erwerb einer Immobilien in Spanien anfallenden Kauferwerbs-Nebenkosten (Grunderwerbsteuer, Notargebühren und Grundbuch-kosten) sind vom Käufer zu tragen.
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